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Apollo: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Number of views : 0
Article Number : KB0017355
Published on : 2024-02-28
Last modified : 2024-02-28 19:25:20
Knowledge Base : IT Public Self Help

Do you have a question not listed here? If so, please contact the Apollo Team at 



What is Apollo?

Apollo is a mainframe based authorization repository which provides developers a way to set up authorization schema profiles for their applications Users can set up customized applications, authorize individuals or groups for that application, and then query Apollo for their authorization status. 

You can read more about Apollo here: Apollo Service. 

Can a deleted Apollo group be restored?

Apollo groups, authorizations, and/or applications cannot be restored after they have been deleted. They must be recreated. 

How to determine what an Apollo authorizations does?

The Apollo Stewards have no knowledge or information on how authorizations are used. The business processes that define authorizations are not decided on the Apollo end. They are decided by the department/users in charge of those resources. 

If you have questions about a certain authorization, please reach out to the listed Apollo Application or Apollo Group owners. 

How to remove or add Apollo group owners?

Please visit Managing Apollo Group Owners for instructions.  

If the listed Apollo group owners are no longer at the University, how can new owners be added?

If the listed Apollo group owners are no longer at the University, please email with the group name and a list of EIDs that should replace the invalid owner.  By defaultApollo groups require a minimum of two (2) owners and a maximum of five (5) owners. 

Can the name of an Apollo group be changed?

Apollo group names cannot be changed. new group should be created with the correct name. 

How can members be added to an Apollo group?

Only Apollo group owners may add members to Apollo groups. 

  1. Navigate to Apollo:  
  2. In the Navigation Menu located on the left, select ‘Groups I Own’ 
  3. Select the desired group  
  4. Select the 'Membership Page' option 
  5. In the 'add member' field, enter in desired EID 
  6. Add expiration date (optional) 
  7. Select ‘Grant Membership’ 


Do you have a question not listed here? If so, please contact the Apollo Team at  

For additional information, please also visit the Apollo Help and Tutorials page at 





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