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Volume Purchase Apps in Apple School Manager

Number of views : 0
Article Number : KB0019137
Published on : 2024-07-08
Last modified : 2024-07-08 14:55:01
Knowledge Base : IT Public Self Help

Volume Purchasing Apps & Books

There are two options for buying apps and books in Apple School Manager (ASM):

  • UT Pro-card
  • UT Purchase Order

Please ensure your ASM managed Apple ID has content manager privileges before attempting to purchase apps and books.  To request account privilege adjustments contact or call the UT Service Desk at 512-475-9400. 


Purchase by Pro Card 

  1.  Enter Pro-Card info on your account in ASM (Account>Preferences>Payments and Billing>Payment Method>Add)
  2.  Navigate to Apps and Books to search titles and make purchases  


Purchase Orders (App Store Credit)

  1. Request an App Store Credit quote from Apple's UT Austin team (Trece Witte (512) 653-5757, or Dale Love 512-674-2823)
    1. Quote requests must include:
      • Desired dollar amount for the credit
      • Name of the managed Apple ID/email address of the person who will be redeeming the credit through Apple School Manager
  2. Submit the Apple quote to your UT Purchase Order generation process
  3. Completed UT PO's may be submitted to for processing
  4. A store credit/ PO number is issued and should be entered under the ASM account referenced in the quote (Account>Preferences>Payments and Billing>Store Credit>Add)
  5. Navigate to Apps and Books to search titles and make purchases

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