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Software Distribution and Sales: Frequently Asked Questions

Number of views : 0
Article Number : KB0018981
Published on : 2024-08-07
Last modified : 2024-08-07 21:53:26
Knowledge Base : IT Public Self Help


Table of Contents

Can I Purchase Multiple orders in TXShop and Issue One Purchase Order? (non-UT Austin)

Can I Place an Order for Another Staff Member?

Can I Transfer My License to Someone Else?

An Order Was Just Created For Me, Why Can't I Access It?

How Can I Pay for Software in TXShop?

How Do I Get My UT EID and Why Do I Need It?

How Do I Pay by Purchase Order? (non-UT Austin only)

How Do I Purchase a New License in TXShop?

How Do I Renew My Current Licenses in TXShop?

How Do I Upgrade My Current Licenses to the Latest Version?

How Does My Purchase Order Get Invoiced and Paid? (non-UT Austin only)

Is There an Additional Convenience Fee for Credit Card Purchases?

Is TXShop Secure?

What If I am Trying to Renew Somebody Else's License?

What Options Do Departments Have for Managing Faculty/Staff Licenses?

Which Credit Cards Are Accepted?

Where Can I Obtain Departmental License Keys?

Where Do I Send My Check or Purchase Order?

Why Do Students Have to Provide SDS with Proof of Enrollment?



Can I Purchase Multiple orders in TXShop and Issue One Purchase Order? (non-UT Austin)

Many departments find it easier to let faculty and staff manage their own licenses, but also want to be able to pay for those licenses without too much trouble. Each user in your department can place their order in TXShop using the same Purchase Order. The PO can then be issued for all of the orders.

If you absolutely must, you can have them all reference the same temporary PO number. For example, "POXXXX".

When paying for multiple orders on one PO, you must make sure that you abide by the following guidelines:

  • The PO must reference TXShop order numbers in each line item. If we receive a PO that just has five line items, each for $100, there is no way that we can know exactly which orders to match them against. Preferably, the customer TXShop receipts should be attached.
  • No software licenses or license codes will be released to customers until we have received your PO or departmental check.
  • PO's should be sent by email to

Any failure to abide by the above will result in delays in the processing of your order(s).


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Can I Place an Order for Another Staff Member?

Yes, you can. Link to TXShop Article for instructions. Note additional FAQs below.

  • Instructions - Go to TXShop - need an EID.
  • Post purchase email information


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An Order Was Just Created For Me, Why Can't I Access It?

Licenses are tied to the name and EID used at the time of checkout. The licensee (or buyer) is not always the end-user. The licensee is not required to be the end-user.

Licenses are tied to the name, email address, and EID used at the time of checkout or purchase. If you need to transfer a license, please see: Can I Transfer My License to Someone Else?


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Can I Transfer My License to Someone Else?

Many times the buyer is not the end-user. In these cases either the buyer needs to forward the information to the end-user, or the license can be transferred to the end-user.

In order to transfer a license, the following information is required for the new licensee.

  • EID 
  • Name 
  • Email 
  • Phone number 
  • Mailing address
  • Department name
  • Affiliation (faculty, staff, student).

Note: If the new licensee does not have a UT Austin Guest EID, they will need to create one. To create a UT Austin EID please visit: EID Self-Help

To begin an inquiry please visit: Software Distribution and Sales Help Request Form

You can also email for assistance.


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How Can I Pay for Software in TXShop?

UT Austin customers paying with personal funds can pay by credit card. UT Austin customers paying with departmental funds (see sales tax note) can pay by InterDepartmental Transfer (IDT) or by departmental credit card (ProCard). UT System customers paying with personal funds can pay by credit card.

Customers paying with departmental funds (see sales tax note) can pay by departmental credit card (ProCard), Purchase Order (PO) or by institutional check. If you are paying by Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) (see sales tax note), please reference the following Automated Clearing House (ACH) number: CCS00001


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How Do I Get My UT EID and Why Do I Need It?

All students, faculty, and staff at UT Austin should already have a UT EID. In addition, some students and employees at other schools in the UT System may already have an EID that has been issued by their school, or they may have a Guest EID. The UT EID allows us both to identify our customers and to maintain the security of the store.

Before buying anything in TXShop, customers who have purchased software from SDS in the past should make sure that their EID is associated with their customer records in MySDS.

If you do NOT yet have a UT EID, you can create a Guest EID through UT EID Self-Service Tools. Be sure to remember the password you create! If you have purchased software from SDS in the past, log in to MySDS to request access to your records. You can then purchase software in TXShop and review your licensing history and status in MySDS.


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How Do I Pay by Purchase Order? (non-UT Austin only)

UT System (excluding UT Austin) customers who need to pay by departmental check or Purchase Order should choose the appropriate payment method in TXShop ("Purchase Order" for POs, "PrePay" for checks) and enter the appropriate tax exemption information and PO or check number.

Once you have completed your order:

  • You must send us your completed Purchase Order (no purchase requisitions) by email to before we can complete your order.
  • You must print your TXShop invoice/receipt and forwarding it to your institution's Accounts Payable department for payment. SDS does not invoice customers directly.


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How Do I Purchase a New License in TXShop?

To purchase a license from SDS, you will need to create a Guest EID if you do not already have on. You can view the software available through ITS SDS through TXShop.

PLEASE READ the product page before attempting to purchase software licensing. There, you will find detailed information about eligibility, system requirements, licensing details, and pricing. Specifically, you should find answers to the following questions:

1. Am I eligible to purchase this product?

Some products are restricted and can only be purchased by students or departments, while others are open to everybody. Students at UT System schools must provide proof of enrollment before their orders can be completed.

2. How long are licenses valid?

Licenses distributed through ITS SDS are annual license leases that are valid from September 1 through August 31 of the following year. The license fees are not pro-rated. Renewal notices are sent in mid-August.  


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How Do I Renew My Current Licenses in TXShop?

Every summer, we send email notices to our customers informing them of the availability of license renewals.

Once notices have been sent, renewing customers should go to MySDS to view their license history. Any renewable licenses will be displayed differently and have a link to TXShop. Visit the MySDS page for general instructions on renewing your licenses.


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How Do I Upgrade My Current Licenses to the Latest Version?

Most license leases available through SDS are not version specific. Therefore, there is no additional license fee involved in upgrading to the latest version.

If you want to upgrade to the latest version (for example, SAS 9.4 TS1M6), the license file is available to the licensee/purchaser through their records in MySDS account information page.

To obtain access to the updated installation files, send email to requesting the updated download, the order number and/or the EID of the licensee/purchaser. Once SDS has verified and confirmed the order access will be granted.


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How Does My Purchase Order Get Invoiced and Paid? (non-UT Austin only)

When you place an order through our online store, the final step of the process is an invoice/receipt page. It is your responsibility to print this out and forward it to your business office or accounts payable office as necessary for payment. SDS does not send invoices to you.


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Is There an Additional Convenience Fee for Credit Card Purchases?

There is no additional fee for customers paying by credit card.

UT Austin students may be used to paying a 1.75% "convenience" fee when paying tuition and fees online with their credit card. TXShop services use a completely different system and does not include this fee.


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Is TXShop Secure?

Yes. TXShop requires you to login to the UT EID authentication system before allowing you into our store. In addition, the servers that run TXShop establish secure, heavily-encrypted connections with your Web browser using industry-standard secure socket layer (SSL) technology.

In addition, the credit card transaction processor for TXShop is provided by VeriSign, one of the most established and trusted names in Internet security. When you enter your credit card in TXShop, the number is encrypted and sent to VeriSign for authorization. At no time is it sent "in the clear" nor does SDS keep a copy of the number — making TXShop far more secure than using your credit card over the telephone.


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What If I am Trying to Renew Somebody Else's License?

Software Distribution and Sales customer records are based on unique UT Electronic IDs (EIDs).Your sales history is associated with your EID, and nobody else can access it with their EID.

If you do not wish to be in charge of going online and purchasing or renewing your licenses, then you should request that your license be transferred to somebody else. They will become the new license contact and will receive all license-related information. There is currently no way to have multiple contacts for one license (e.g. one person is able to go online and purchase, another receives license codes and updates).

To transfer your license to somebody else, contact SDS requesting that your sales history be transferred. Be sure to indicate which programs you want to transfer (if, for example, you are a license holder under multiple SDS programs), as well as the full detailed contact information of the new license holder (full name, UT Austin EID, UT system email address, department name, mailing address, phone number).


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What Options Do Departments Have for Managing Faculty/Staff Licenses?

ITS provides a secure online store for ordering and managing licenses. Each current license holder will receive important information and annual renewal notices by email that will direct them to MySDS, our online license management site. They can then use this site to download license codes, or as a launch pad to our online store, TXShop. There are several options that UT System departments have to manage these licenses.

  • Individual Option - Each faculty or staff member can receive and manage their own license purchases and renewals. They will log in with their own UT EID, receive updates and notices at their email address, and can purchase new or renewal licenses online in TXShop using departmental funds.

  • Departmental Option - In areas where a large number of faculty or staff are licensed through SDS, the department might prefer to centrally manage the licenses. The licenses for one or more faculty or staff members could be transferred to a single administrative contact. This contact would then receive all updates and notices to their email address and could purchase software online. They would then be responsible for disseminating important information to end-users and ensuring that software is installed in accordance with the total number of licenses that have been purchased.

Each department represents unique situations and may choose to employ any or all of the above options. If you are not sure of the best way to proceed, please contact Software Distribution and Sales before placing your order.


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Which Credit Cards Are Accepted?

TXShop currently accepts all four major credit cards: Visa, MasterCard, American Express, and Discover.


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Where Can I Obtain Departmental License Keys?

Volume license keys are only for use on university-owned equipment. There are Key Management Server Keys (KMS) and Multiple Activation Keys (MAK). Products are now activated by Volume Activation 2.0. Faculty and staff using the software on campus will activate by the KMS server. For machines that are not directly connected to the UT Austin Network and do not connect at least once every 4-6 months can request a MAK for activation.

For UT Austin-owned devices that absolutely cannot use KMS (such as systems on FacNet or other restricted networks), departments can request use of the Multiple Activation Key (MAK) through the following process:

  • Requests to SDS ( must be submitted by a department head or director-level. (received)
  • UT inventory tag numbers for the machines on which the MAK will be used must be included in the request. (please include on exception report)
  • A Security Exception Report must be filed with the ISO for the machines that will use the MAK. (please forward approval if report has already been filed)
  • Upon approval, access to use the MAK will be granted.


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Where Do I Send My Check or Purchase Order?

For SDS (Software Distribution and Sales) orders:

Checks should be made payable to The University of Texas at Austin and must be mailed. Purchase Orders - Purchase Requisitions are not acceptable - can be sent by email. Please make sure that your PO is made out to ITS Software Distribution and Sales, and not to any other department at UT Austin.

When sending checks and POs to SDS, please include as much information as possible, such as TXShop Order Numbers, Agreement Numbers, customer names, etc. If purchasing in TXShop, please also include or attach the receipt/invoice for the TXShop order. We receive a large number of payments from UT System schools; if we are unable to determine to what purchases the payment is to be applied, the processing of your order will be delayed.

  • SDS will NOT complete or ship your order until we have received your check or PO.

  • SDS will NOT send you an invoice. At the end of the TXShop online ordering process, you are responsible for printing the online invoice/receipt and forwarding it to your institution's Accounts Payable office for payment.



Postal Address
Software Distribution and Sales
C/O Business and Financial Services - Operating Account
1301 E Dean Keaton St, H7000
Austin, TX 78722


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Why Do Students Have to Provide SDS with Proof of Enrollment?

Many of the software licensing agreements in place between the University and software vendors have provisions that are specific to our students. Before we can sell products to students, we must be able to verify that they are currently enrolled in matriculating coursework. Student software orders will not be processed until we have verified enrollment status.


Students at The University of Texas at Austin

Students at UT Austin may be required to provide their UT EID and/or their student ID card or other photo ID for identification purposes.


Students at other UT System schools

Because the student records systems at UT System schools are not available to staff at the UT Austin campus, students must provide us with proof of enrollment. Such proof:

  • Must show that you are enrolled in classes for the current semester and have paid at least some of your tuition and fees. An example of this would be your University fee receipt.

  • It may be either an official document mailed to you by the University or a printout of a Web page. Just copying the text of a Web page into a Word or other text document is not sufficient.

  • It may be either a hard copy on paper, or a scanned copy sent as an e-mail attachment.

  • If you have been provided with an Order Number or an Agreement Number, please reference this number when sending us your proof of enrollment.

  • Electronic or Scanned documents can be sent as an e-mail attachment to


Students outside of the UT System

Because the University of Texas pursues licensing agreements using student fees and state funds, none of our programs are made available to students outside of the UT System. Students at other schools should check with their campus Information Technology groups to see if similar product offerings are available to them.


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