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UTmail Frequently Asked Questions

Number of views : 1
Article Number : KB0018956
Published on : 2024-02-01
Last modified : 2024-02-01 15:31:50
Knowledge Base : IT Public Self Help


Table of Contents

What Google Workspace Apps Are Available in UTmail?

Migrate a Personal UTmail Account to a Personal Gmail Account?

Has the University Evaluated UTmail for Privacy?

Has the University Evaluated UTmail for Accessibility?

What is the Difference Between a UTmail Business Account and a UTmail Personal Account?

How Can I Check My UTmail Account Type?

Can I Send and Receive My UTmail Email From a Personal Account?

Texas Exes: How Do I Change My Addresses on File?

Can Student Workers Have a UTmail Business Account?

What Happens to UTmail Business Accounts when an Employee Leaves the University?

How Do I Convert My Personal UTmail Account to a Business Account?

Are Departmental UTmail Accounts Available?

Are UTmail Business Accounts Suitable for Storing Confidential Data?

If Someone Shares a Document With Me, Does It Count Toward My Storage?

I've Removed Data From My Drive and The Usage Has Not Updated/Gone Down

Why Does My Storage Usage Show 0 Bytes When I Have Files In My Drive?

What Happens to My UTmail Account When My Storage Exceeds the Quota?

Why Are There Storage Differences In Google Drive On My Computer Vs. The Web?

Why Are Shared Drives Not Supported?

What Happens to Files Shared With Me in Drive When I Lose Access to Drive?

How Do I Import/Export Email Into/Out of UTmail?

How Do I View Full Email Headers?




What Google Workspace Apps are Available in UTmail?

Only Google Workspace for Education Fundamentals applications are enabled. Other services either are not covered under our license agreement, have not been vetted by campus IT governance, or both. The Google Play Store is not part of Google Workspace for Education Fundamentals.

For more information on Google Workspace for Education apps, please refer to the Google for Education Products site.


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Migrate a Personal UTmail Account to a Personal Gmail Account?

For assistance migrating your Personal UTmail account information to a personal Gmail account, please visit: Migrate a Personal UTmail Account to a Personal Gmail Account


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Has the University Evaluated UTmail for Privacy?

The Information Security Office has carefully considered the privacy and security features available with Google and is satisfied that Google will provide appropriate levels of privacy and security.

The Google services provided through UTmail are governed by a contract between the University and Google. The University contract’s terms and conditions supersede Google’s privacy policies for consumer services. The core services covered by the contract include products in Google Workspace for Education. Within the UTmail portal it is possible to navigate to non-core services which are outside the contract and for which Google’s privacy policies for consumer services apply.


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Has the University Evaluated UTmail for Accessibility?

The University provides UTmail as an instructional tool. Applications within Google Workspace for Education other than Gmail do not currently meet the University’s accessibility standards and are therefore not permitted for official University business (e.g. as required elements of course curriculum). Use of Google applications other than Gmail must be done in compliance with the University’s policies on accessibility.


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What is the Difference Between a UTmail Business Account and a UTmail Personal Account?

  • Personal UTmail accounts are offered to students and alumni, as well as faculty and staff that retire from the University. Additionally, Personal accounts are shielded from open records requests when they are not in use for University Business. 

  • Business accounts are offered to Current Faculty and Staff. These accounts are tied to your appointment with the University, meaning once your appointment has ended, your access will be disabled or suspended. Business accounts have the same features and functionality that a Personal account has, with some exceptions. Business accounts are subject to open records requests, and are valid for conducting or forwarding business email at the university. 

  • For a list of available services and storage limits for different UTmail types, see What Storage Quotas and Services Will I Have?


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How Can I Check My UTmail Account Type?

Please refer to the instructions below to find your UTmail account type:

Check Your UTmail Account Type (Click to Expand/Collapse Instructions)

1. Navigate to the UTmail Portal:


2. Select 'Manage Account'.

3. Log in Using Your UT EID.

4.  Enter your UT EID and Password. Select, 'Sign In'.

5. Authenticate using Duo Multi-Factor Authentication. Select an authentication method:

  • Send Me a Push
  • Call Me
  • Enter a Passcode


6. After successfully authenticating, you will arrive at the account management portal.

Your account type will be listed in the upper right corner of the window after your UTmail address.


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Can I Send and Receive My UTmail Email From Another Account?


Internal Resources:

Yes, UT has created content specifically for university affiliates to follow. To view this content, please visit:  


External Resources: 

For current faculty and staff: 

Yes, you can map your UTmail address to an Office 365 account.  

  • Instructions to map your UTmail account to Office 365. 

  • You may be able to map your UTmail account to an email address provided by your department; reach out to your department IT Staff for more information. 

  • Note: All university records must be stored in approved, university-managed accounts and storage locations. Do not use a personal account to conduct university business. 


For students: 

Yes, you can map your UTmail address to an Office 365 account or another email account.  


For former students and retirees: 

Yes, you can map your UTmail address to another email account. 


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Texas Exes: How Do I Change My Addresses on File?

  • To change the email or physical address that is on file for you, login to your alumni profile with the Texas Exes at Once logged in, select “update profile” to make the changes. 


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Can Student Workers Have a UTmail Business Account?

UT Austin students and alumni are eligible for a University-affiliated email address in the domain. Student employees have the option to obtain an additional UTmail account for Business. 

Students are encouraged to separate their Personal Accounts from Business Accounts in alignment with current Email Forwarding Rulesand to protect their personal content. 


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What Happens to UTmail Business Accounts when an Employee Leaves the University?

What Happens to My Email After I Leave the University?


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Do I Have a UTmail Business or Personal Account?

Generally, if your UTmail account requires Google Two-Factor Authentication to access, it is a Business account. 

However, you can view your UTmail account status by logging in to the UTmail homepage. 


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How Do I Convert My Personal UTmail Account to a Business Account?

In some cases, you may want to convert your UTmail account from Personal to Business. Scenarios for this might include an employee who previously created a Personal account and wants to use it for University Business. Account conversions are irreversible.

If you require an account conversion, you may contact the UT Service Desk at 512-475-9400 and your request will be escalated. 

You will need the following information:

  • Your UT EID
  • Your UTmail Personal account address
  • Your UTmail Business account address (if applicable)


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Are Departmental UTmail Accounts Available?

Departmental accounts are not available in UTmail. Departmental accounts, or resource accounts, are only available in Office 365.


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Are UTmail Business Accounts Suitable for Storing Confidential Data?

A matrix detailing the suitability of the UTmail service for various types of University data are available at: Local and Cloud Services Decision Matrix


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If Someone Shares a Document With Me, Does It Count Toward My Storage?

No, documents shared with you do not count toward your Google storage only copies. When you open a shared Google file and select 'Add to My Drive', you are moving that file into your own Google Drive for easier access to the document. Any changes made to the file by owners or collaborators will be updated in your Google Drive. If the owner of the document deletes the file from their Google Drive, the file will be deleted from your Google Drive. 

When you 'Make a Copy' of a shared Google file, you are duplicating the original document and making your own copy that you can edit, share with others, etc. This copy will be counted against your storage quota. Any changes you make to your copy will not be reflected on the original document owned by someone else. In addition, any changes the owner makes to the original file will not be reflected in your copy.


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I've Removed Data From My Drive and The Usage Has Not Updated/Gone Down

Deleting data from locations that are either in your Cloud, or in folders on your computer synced to the Cloud, does not completely delete them immediateuy. 

Items will be permanently deleted after 30 days or manually using the Drive Trash Bin. Anything that the Cloud sees as being "deleted", either on your computer or directly in the Cloud, is moved to the Drive Trash Bin but not permanently deleted. Until it's permanently deleted it still counts to your total storage usage.

To gain access to this Drive Trash Bin, you have to open your Google Drive storage space using the webpage interface.

1) Click on this link to directly access your Google Drive Cloud's Drive Trash BinMy Cloud's Drive Trash Bin

2) Once the page fully opens, take the following steps:


Final deletion from your storage allocation typically happens within 30 minutes but it can take up to 24hrs for full data deletion and thus for your storage used to decrease.

If you delete a large number of files, you may see your storage use start decreasing over time - not all at once.


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Why Does My Storage Usage Show 0 Bytes When I Have Files In My Drive?

Viewing Google Storage via shows 0 GB when the number of files is under 10 MB. You have to reach 10 MB, or 0.01 GB, for any usage to show for Google Drive.  

A more detailed view of your storage usage is In this view, Google shows 0 bytes used when the total storage used is under 1 MB. If usage is under 1 GB, it will display usage in MB. 

In the latter view you will see your storage usage in MB or GB, and you will see the files in your Drive starting with the largest size at the top. Note that native Google files created or modified prior to May 2, 2022 do not count toward storage. 


Items that use storage space 

  • Most files in your My Drive, e.g.,  
    • PDFs 
    • Images 
    • Videos 
  • Items in your Trash bin. Learn how to empty your bin. 
  • Google Docs, Sheets, Slides, Drawings, Forms or Jamboard created on or after May 2, 2022, or existing files modified on or after May 2, 2022.  

Items that do not use storage space  

  • Files in “Shared with me.’ These files only take up space in the owner’s Google Drive.  
  • Google Docs, Sheets, Slides, Drawings, Forms or Jamboard files created prior to May 2, 2022 and that are not modified on or after May 2, 2022. 


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What Happens to My UTmail Account When My Storage Exceeds the Quota?

Storage limits will be implemented on your UTmail account in late 2022.

If your UTmail account exceeds the storage limits after quotas have been implemented, the following will occur:

  • You will be unable to send or receive email using your UTmail account until your storage is reduced.
  • You will be unable to create new documents using your UTmail account until your storage is reduced
  • You can’t upload new files or images to Google Drive.
  • You can't back up any photos or videos.
  • You can’t create new files in collaborative content creation apps like Google Docs, Sheets, Slides, Drawings, Forms, and Jamboard.
  • Until you reduce your storage usage, no one can edit or copy your affected files.
  • You can’t back up new Recorder files.

Note: You will be able to sign in and access your UTmail account. This will enable you to sign in and reduce your storage.


More information on UTmail storage quotas is available at: What Changes Are Happening to UTmail? 


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Why Are There Storage Differences In Google Drive On My Computer Vs. The Web?

Items in Google Drive for your computer take up a different amount of space than the same items at 

  • Items in your Trash Bin take up space in Google Drive, but aren't synced to your computer. 
  • Shared items will take up space on your computer, but not in Google Drive. 
  • Items that are in multiple folders will be synced to all folders on your computer, taking up more space. 
  • If you only sync some folders to your computer, the storage on your computer will be less than what is shown on Google Drive. 
  • Your computer may show a slightly different file size than due to Mac or PC requirements. 


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Why Are Shared Drives Not Supported?

The ability to create new Shared Drives in UTmail has been disabled organization-wide. The decision was made in conjunction with service administrators and the Information Security Office.

Shared Drives were disabled in part due to an announcement that Google will no longer offer unlimited storage. Additionally, an internal review found that Shared Drives were being used to extend the previously unlimited storage offering to non-UT affiliates in violation of UT policy. Since Google Workspace (the service that powers UTmail) currently lacks the auditing and data limiting features required to curtail abuse of shared drives, service administrators have been forced to disable this feature.

Note: Shared drives owned by organizations outside of UT are not impacted by this change.

Additional Information:


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What Happens to Files Shared With Me in Drive When I Lose Access to Drive?

You will lose access to anything shared with you in Google Drive when you no longer have access to Drive.


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How Do I Import/Export Email Into/Out of UTmail?

Instructions for importing email into your UTmail account are available at Check emails from other accounts.

The same instructions are also applicable if you wish to move your UTmail emails to a personal Gmail account.


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How Do I View Full Email Headers?

The full header of an email message displays information about the sender and the route the message takes before arriving in your inbox. When reporting spam, you should always send the full headers along with the message so the email administrator can determine where the spam originated.

Instructions for viewing full headers in an email message are available at Trace an email with its full header.


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Why am I seeing the error "Couldn't sign you in:Your sign-in settings don't meet your organization's 2-Step Verification policy"?

If you did not sign up for two-step verification before the enrollment period ended and are locked out of your UTMail business account, please contact the UT Service Desk at (512) 475-9400 or


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