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Duo Mobile Update

Number of views : 0
Article Number : KB0018796
Published on : 2024-01-25
Last modified : 2024-01-25 16:49:19
Knowledge Base : IT Public Self Help



Table of Contents

What's New With Duo Mobile?

What Does the Redesign Look Like?

How Do I Update Duo Mobile?

Video: Introduction to the Redesigned Duo Mobile App



What's New With Duo Mobile?

Duo has rolled out an updated mobile app for iOS and Android devices.

The update includes a redesigned look and feel that will help improve your experience. 

You should see the update become available during these timeframes:

  • iOS: Available between October 11 through 18, 2021.
  • Android: Available between October 11 through 15, 2021.


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What Does the Redesign Look Like?

Old vs. New Duo Mobile.

Key Highlights:

  • An improved interface for approving and denying authentication requests.
  • Updating the position of the Approve / Deny buttons so that Approve is on the right, a more natural location.


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How Do I Update Duo Mobile?

If you have enabled automatic app updates on your device, Duo Mobile will update automatically.

You can also manually update Duo Mobile.


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Video: Introduction to the Redesigned Duo Mobile App


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