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Why do I see a Session Information window when signing on?

Number of views : 0
Article Number : KB0018400
Published on : 2023-11-16
Last modified : 2023-11-16 18:27:36
Knowledge Base : IT Public Self Help

When signing on with your UT EID and EID Password, you may briefly see a window similar to the screen shot below:

A UT-branded web page with the header "Sign in with your UT EID - Saving Session Information..." and text in a green box which reads, "Saving login information to the browser..."

You may see either the "Saving login session information to the browser..." window (above) or the "Loading login session information from the browser..." window.

This window is the result of an improvement to the Enterprise Authentication service made by the university in late November 2020.

This improvement makes better use of functionality available in modern browsers for managing your authentication session.


If you do not have JavaScript enabled in your browser, this window may not go away on its own. In this case, you will need to click on a provided button to continue the sign on process.


For more information about improvements to Enterprise Authentication, please visit the Enterprise Authentication Change Log.

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