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Qualtrics Accessibility - Change Likert Matrix Questions to Side by Side Questions

Number of views : 0
Article Number : KB0018367
Published on : 2024-07-08
Last modified : 2024-07-08 14:54:21
Knowledge Base : IT Public Self Help

Are you a current UT faculty/staff/employee Qualtrics user and unable to publish your survey because the survey checker tool flagged a Likert Matrix question in your Qualtrics survey as inaccessible?

There is a fairly simple process listed below that users can follow to change inaccessible Likert Matrix questions to the accessible Side by Side question type. If you have created a Side by Side question from scratch, skip to #4.


  1. Select your Matrix question (A) to highlight it and bring up the “Change Question Type” options on the right side of the screen (B).

  2. Click the green “Matrix Table” item (A) from the list of options and click “Side by Side” (B) under the list of possible question types that pops up.

  3. Your question is now a Side by Side type. Your question layout will need editing to match the original.

  4. In the first column, click the “Column Options” dropdown menu (A) at the top and click “Add Column Answer” (B) for as many column answers as you need. This example only needs one more for a total of 3.

  5. Click and highlight the text just underneath “Column Options” and enter a space to clear that text box.

  6. Remove the additional columns by clicking the “Column Options” dropdown (A) and “Remove Column” (B) for any unnecessary columns. There are 2 unnecessary columns in this example.

  7. Your question is now accessible! Make any necessary changes to question text.

Details for checking accessibility as well as lists of accessible and inaccessible question types can be found here:

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