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Retire List With Notification

Number of views : 0
Article Number : KB0018330
Published on : 2022-09-12
Last modified : 2022-09-12 22:16:35
Knowledge Base : IT Public Self Help

UT Lists offers a custom sending/receiving mode to notify senders that the list has been retired and is no longer available for use. List owners can also specify an alternate mail address to use instead. This sending mode could be used when:

  • owner wants to close their list and temporarily notify those who are using it that it will be retired
  • owner wants to close their list and notify people who to contact with additional questions
  • owner wants to rename their list but notify people that use the old list, to use the new list

Lists that choose to use this custom sending mode will be automatically closed in 380 days from applying this setting.

Notify Senders, No New Address

If you'd like to notify senders that the list is being retired and IS NOT being replaced with another email or mailing list, please follow these steps:

  • Log on to UT Lists and select your list from the My Lists option.

  • Select the Admin link from the list homepage left-hand menu.
  • Hover over Edit List Config and select Sending/receiving setup from the drop-down list.
  • From the options for Who can send messages (send) select utlists_retired, senders notified about list retirement

An example of how the reject message looks is as follows:

The list,, is retired and no longer
available for use.

For more information, please contact the list owners at


Notify Senders, New Address

If you'd like to notify senders that the list is being retired and IS being replaced with another email address or mailing list, please follow the steps as shown above. Once you've finished with those steps, you'll need to supply the email address for the template:

  • While in the Admin area of your list, Hover over Edit List Config and select Miscellaneous from the drop-down menu.
  • From here, navigate to the section titled custom parameters (custom_vars)(default)
  • For var name (name), enter the literal text retired_new_address
  • For var value (value), enter the new email address or mailing list that senders should now use

An example of how the reject message looks is as follows:

The list,, is retired and no longer
available for use.

Please use for further communication.

For more information, please contact the list owners at


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