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Group Email Overview (Emma)

Number of views : 0
Article Number : KB0017578
Published on : 2024-01-04
Last modified : 2024-01-04 15:01:26
Knowledge Base : IT Public Self Help

Group Email Overview (Emma)

Table of Contents

UT Group Email Overview with Emma. 1

When to use Group Email 1

Authorizations/Permissions. 1

Available resources. 1

Emma Group Email features 1

Adding new subaccount users (Managers) 1

Exported Items (Manager Only) 3

Audience. 5

Managing contact fields: 5

Groups vs segments. 5

Campaigns. 5

Creating a new mailing. 5

Using UT-branded templates. 6

Reviewing and sending email 9


 When to use Group Email

    • Group Email is used to send important, university-sanctioned messages to specific groups in the university community. 


    • Author:  Can create (but not send) messages. 
    • Manager: Can create, cancel, send and approve messages. 

 Available resources

Emma Group Email features

Adding new subaccount users (Managers)

      • Use the magnifying glass at the top left hand corner of your screen to verify you’re in the correct subaccount.
      • Click on the down arrow in the burnt orange menu bar at the top of your screen (beside your name)

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      • Select Users from the menu.

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      • Click on Invite a User

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      • This will launch a window asking you to confirm the new user’s email address and permission level.
        • Always use the person’s IID (their EID followed by, for example
      • Select Author Permission level
      • Click on Send Invitation

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Exported Items (Manager Only)

      • Use the magnifying glass at the top left hand corner of your screen to verify you’re in the correct subaccount.
      • Click on the down arrow in the burnt orange menu bar at the top of your screen (beside your name)
      • Select Exports

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  • This display shows you what has been exported, when it was created and when it is available until. It also allows you to download the export using the down arrow to the right hand side of the screen.

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Viewing Archived Content

      • Use the magnifying glass at the top left hand corner of your screen to verify you’re in the correct subaccount.
      • Click on the down arrow in the burnt orange menu bar at the top of your screen (beside your name)
      • Select Archived Items

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  • This display shows you your archived content and the date it was archived. Clicking on the down arrow to the right of each item allows you to restore that content.

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Managing contact fields:

Groups vs segments


All of the contacts in your account are collectively referred to as your "audience". To help keep your contacts organized you can create groups, for example, donors and volunteers, or customers, prospects, and partners. They can also be used to organize contacts by geography, gender, customer type, or subscription preferences.


Segments are created based on data stored in your account. This includes:

You can't add contacts to a segment the same way that you can add them to a group. Instead, people automatically become members of a segment when their subscription data or personal details match the segment criteria. Likewise, when a contact's data no longer matches the segment criteria, they are no longer included in that segment.



Creating a new mailing

Using UT-branded templates

  • From the Home screen click on Create a New Campaign

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  • For standards messages select Regular Email, enter a campaign name, then press continue.

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  • The next screen you see will be Templates, you can either code your own or use the UT Branded Templates.

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  • Double clicking on the thumbnail image of the template you wish to use will open the message editor. By default Save allows you to save your modifications as a draft message, you can also save your changes as a new template.

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  • Clicking into any of the content blocks in the message will allow you to edit the message.  You can also drag new types of content onto the screen using the tiles at the left hand side of your screen.

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  • Once your done, click Review & Send (more information about this process is available in the following section.


Reviewing and sending email


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