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Opting Out from Group Email (Emma) - and Opting Back In

Number of views : 0
Article Number : KB0017547
Published on : 2024-02-13
Last modified : 2024-02-13 16:50:46
Knowledge Base : IT Public Self Help

With University Group Email moving from Regroup to Emma, there are substantial changes in the opt out process. 


In University Group Email using Regroup, University members were able to opt out of all Informational, all Promotional, and/or all Texas Today messages.  Group Email stewards maintained a web page in UT Direct relating a recipient’s current opt-out preferences and allowing for updates.  There was also an Official category of emails from which recipients could not opt out. 


With University Group Email using Emma, there is still a no Opt Out category of Official.  However, However, opt outs must be made by recipients from a link in each email footer, and opt outs cannot be global or even categorical.  Instead, opt outs operate over an ownership grouping called a “Subaccount”.  For example, Human Resources, the Registrar, the Provost, and Moody College of Communication all have responsibility for different aspects of the entire University (and in effect, different subpopulations of the University as well) and so own separate subaccounts of the University Group Email service.  Each non-Official (sometimes called Informational) subaccount has a separate opt-out. 



The new architecture 




* There will still be a difference between messages that are Official and messages that are not Official. 

*  You can still opt out of all messages that are not Official. 




*  There will no longer be a named distinction between Informational and Promotional messages in Group Email. 

*  Each of the accounts must be opted-out from separately by each Group Email recipient. 


Check the footer 


*  Official messages will not have an Unsubscribe link and will have Official as part of the Subaccount name. 

*  Non-official messages will have an Unsubscribe link.  The Subaccount name will be present after the phrase “as a member of”. 




To opt out 


*  Clicking the Unsubscribe link will unsubscribe you from the Subaccount specified in the footer. 

*  If you wish to opt out from ALL non-Official subaccounts, please use the Contact Group Email Team form in Service Now (search for “Group Email”). 

*  If you believe you should not be subscribed to ANY subaccount in University Group Email, please also use the Contact Group Email Team and let us know you no longer have a relationship with the University.  The Group Email stewards will investigate, attempt to assist you, and respond.  GEM stewards can also assist with receiving email as part of a recipient group you feel you do not belong to. 


To opt in 


*  If you need to be added back into any subaccount, please contact .  The Group Email stewards have a utility that can make a request to add you back into the subaccount, but the process will need your personal verification from an email that Emma will send. 


Forwarding messages 


*  If you have received a forwarded University Group Email message with intact footer, please do not click on the “Unsubscribe” link, as that will unsubscribe the person who forwarded the message to you from that type of group email. 

*  If the social sharing envelope symbol is available in the footer, please use that to forward to others, so that there is less risk of your being accidentally unsubscribed from a non-Official subaccount. 


Please note 


*  Unsubscription from a Subaccount does not require a separate agreement from you.  However, for resubscription to a Subaccount, your express permission is needed, so please be sure to respond to the required confirmation email following help from a steward or you may not be resubscribed. 

*  The above are our current options.  The GEM stewards are committed to working with Emma to provide you with more fully automated ways of viewing your Subaccountsopting out of undesired Subaccounts, and opting back in to the desired Subaccounts.  Our documentation (and this page in particular) will be updated as progress is made. 



The following documentation from Emma have Emma “Users” as the intended audience (rather than “Contacts”, who are the message recipients).  Even so, the following articles from Emma may also be somewhat helpful for self-service purposes: 







Please contact with any questions or for assistance. 


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