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(Stonebranch) Stonebranch User Permissions

Number of views : 0
Article Number : KB0017458
Published on : 2023-06-21
Last modified : 2023-06-21 16:16:40
Knowledge Base : IT Public Self Help

In order to manage permissions in Stonebranch you must be made an administrator for your business service. We have a custom application for managing permissions located at

How to assign permissions:

Permissions are manifested as predefined roles. We can create new ones if none of the existing roles fit your needs.


  1. Go to Stonebranch users. Select the EID for the user's permissions you want to alter. If the user isn't there you can press the green plus icon and add them. 
  2. To assign a permission you must select the role you want to assign, the business service (you can only select from those you are an admin of), and the environment you wish to apply the role to. You will only be able to see the existing roles a user has that you are able to edit.


Full DeveloperAbility to create, read, edit, execute, delete all objects in your business service. (When given in prod allows users to promote to prod)

Mainframe Developer: Ability to create, read, edit and execute z/OS task objects and task instance objects in your business service. (Specifically for the case where you want a user to only have Read Execute in prod except for mainframe tasks)

Agent Read OnlyMostly for API usage, gives just read permissions on all agents to your business service.

Read Execute Only Developer: Ability to read and execute objects within your business service.


3. Select a business service this permission should be assigned to. You must have administrator privileges to a business service to grant permissions in it. 

4.Select the environment the permission should be in.


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