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3. Steps to store JCL code in a UEDIT library

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Article Number : KB0017455
Published on : 2023-06-20
Last modified : 2023-06-20 20:35:44
Knowledge Base : IT Public Self Help

Get the JCL code for each step.

  • Explanation: You have to make a separate JCL file (in the UEDIT library) for each job in your job group.
  • In Task Manager (TM):
    • Click the "JCL" tab on the right side of the TM window.
    • Click the "Step through the JCL for each Job" link
    • Copy the JCL code from the browser to a text editor.
    • Paste JCL from Task Manager into a text editor. 
    • Make the following changes in the text editor. Then paste it into the UEDIT editor.

Create JCL file.

  • Go into UEDIT
  • Enter the following:
    • Library: CE
    • Member: 8-character name. Make this the same name as the job in the job group. You will probably want different JCL files for TEST, QUAL, PROD, so your name might need to reflect which environment it will run natural modules in.
    • Put an X after "Create"
    • Hit "Enter"
  • RESULT: You have created the "member" of the library, a JCL file.

Paste the JCL text into the "member" of the library.

Using the UEDIT editor, paste in the JCL text: 

• Open the text file in a text editor with line numbers, like Text Wrangler. 
• In 3270, in UEDIT, Enter "bot" to go to bottom of the file.

RESULT: The file is displayed with the last line of the file on the top-most line within the UEDIT editor. 
• In the 3270 window, in the UEDIT editor, move the cursor to the left-most position on the first empty line. 
• In your text editor, copy 20 lines of JCL. 
• Paste the 20 lines into the 3270 window. 
• hit return twice

RESULT: curser is back up on the command line
• Enter "bot" on the command line to move to the bottom of the file. Repeat steps above to enter more lines of JCL. 
• When you have pasted in the whole file, enter "save" instead of "bot" on the command line.

RESULT: you are back on the start page withing UEDIT.
• After pasting all the JCL code into the UEDIT editor, and saving the file, make sure there is not a blank line at the end of the JCL. 
--In the UEDIT editor, hit F3 
RESULT: The file is displayed with the last line of the file on the last line of the 3270 screen. (This assumes the file is as long as or longer than one page of display on the 3270 UEDIT editor, which is 22 lines long.) 
--If the last line is blank, delete it by entering "#d" starting in the first column of that line (and hitting "Enter").

If you make any change to the job group. For example if you change the value of an override, or add or delete a step, or add another natural step, or change the name of a work file, you have to regererate the JCL and paste it into UEDIT again. 
(Alternatively, if you know enough about JCL you could go in and edit it. If you know exactly what in the JCL your override value will change, then you can do it. But you risk getting your task manager job and the UEDIT JCL out of sync. )

List of JCL code files in UEDIT Library

  • At the 3270 command line, go into UPDS (not UEDIT).
  • For "Function", enter "LS" 
  • For "Library", enter "CE" (or other 2-character library name) 
  • Hit return.
  • RESULT: On page showing list.
  • F-keys "Clear" to get out.


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