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(Stonebranch) How to Create Bundles and Promote

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Article Number : KB0017440
Published on : 2023-11-21
Last modified : 2023-11-21 14:46:20
Knowledge Base : IT Public Self Help


Stonebranch tasks move from environment to environment via the bundling and promotion process. Consumers with promotion privileges can create and promote the bundles as often as they want in DEV/QUAL/PROD. 

Creating your Bundle

(1.) Name your bundle using the naming convention: [business service]_BND_[freeform]


(2.) Select a Default Promotion Target.

(3.) Check Promote Bundle Definition. Do not check Follow References; if you accidentally do and promote, contact

(4.) Checking Promote Members of Business Service will promote ALL objects in the business area, so unless you want to promote everything belonging to your group, do not select this. You tie it to your business service in the Business Services section.

(5.) In the upper right, click Save.

(7.) Add items to your bundle as desired. Add items only from your business service to your bundle; you can only promote items from your area. 

If you have objects like Variables or Tasks that are common to more than one of your processes, consider making a bundle just for common objects. Use the naming convention: EIS103_bundle_common

Bundling Objects Not Associated with Any Particular Task

  • This category includes:
    • business services
    • credentials
    • global variables
    • email connections
    • email templates
    • calendars
  • Consider creating a separate bundle of these objects for the entire Business Service, using the naming convention: [business service name]_Bundle-COMMON
  • Doing so insures that all valid credentials, for example, will be available in all environments. This eliminates redundant bundling. You do not want your bundle to work only because someone else included an essential component in their own bundle.
  • Failure to include the Business Service object in the bundle is a common cause of promotion failure.


Bundling Objects Referencing One or More Specific Tasks Can Be Tricky

  • For example, if you add a task name to a trigger, you need to promote the trigger object.
  • If you make other changes to the trigger, like passing variables, other systems using it may not work correctly.
  • It may become necessary to create dedicated triggers.
  • Dummy tasks behave similarly with respect to setting variables.

Promoting Your Bundle

This example will show configurations for moving and promoting a Bundle from the Development Environment, DEV, to the Quality Assurance Environment, QUAL. At this time, all other consumer environments are available as targets on all other environments. For example, the PROD environment has two targets already configured, QUAL and DEV; QUAL has two, PROD and DEV; and DEV has two, QUAL and PROD, to facilitate moving bundles wherever consumers need them to be.

  1. Once a Bundle has been created, in the bundle interface, select the bundle being moved or promoted. Be sure to choose the correct Bundle. Applying a view filter on this page is beneficial.
  2. You choose the Bundle target at creation time. Verify the target is correct.
  3. Either right click or choose the Promote Bundle... button from the action bar.

In the Promote Bundle... interface, verify the Environment Target and provide credentials for connecting to the Target Environment. From this interface you can schedule a promotion for a specific time in the future.

In addition to the information on bundling and promoting on the Stonebranch website, our permissions setup requires a few pieces of information.

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