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(Stonebranch) Environment Variables

Number of views : 0
Article Number : KB0017438
Published on : 2023-07-10
Last modified : 2023-07-10 17:59:23
Knowledge Base : IT Public Self Help


Variables and functions are used in Stonebranch to add dynamic values to tasks, triggers, and workflows. When a variable or function is specified in a task, trigger, or workflow field, the Stonebranch Controller inserts a value into this field at runtime.


Getting Started - Guidelines

Variable Naming Conventions

  • Variable names must begin with your assigned Designator (four-letter Department Code, plus two-digit code), followed by an underscore, the string "VAR", and another underscore. Example: "DEPT01_VAR_"
  • Variable names can contain letters and numbers. Underscore ( _ ) is the only available character available as a separator. Do not use the hyphen ( - ) as a separator as it might cause some undesired results.
  • Spaces are not permitted.
  • Variable names are not case-sensitive.
  • Do not use variables beginning with the name ops_; these are built-in names reserved by Stonebranch.


Variable name: DEPT01_VAR_current_semester_CCYYS

Stonebranch Reserved Variables

Built-in variables are maintained by Universal Controller and provide information about task instances, agents, Universal Message Service (OMS), and cluster nodes. The built-in variables can be used in free text fields in triggers, tasks, task actions, and email notifications for agents, OMS servers, and cluster nodes. 

To view the list and description of available built-in variables, click Universal Controller's list of built-in variables.

Format for Using Variables

To use a variable in a text field, always precede the variable with the dollar sign ( $ ) and always enclose the variable inside curly braces { }. The variable formatting will look like this: ${DEPT_01_VAR_current_semester_CCYYS}

Advanced Variable Features - Functions

Stonebranch offers advanced variable features that are intended for experienced users and developers. This topic is covered in greater detail in this guide provided by Stonebranch. The guide covers the following topics:

  • Conditional functions
  • Credential functions
  • Date functions
  • Mathematical functions
  • Output functions
  • SQL/Stored Procedure functions
  • String functions
  • System functions
  • Universal task functions
  • Web service functions


Problem Cause Solution
Variable name is shown instead of the variable value. Variable was formatted incorrectly. Variables should follow the format ${DEPT_01_Var_*}.
Output from the variable is incorrect. Incorrect variable name was used or the variable was misspelled. Verify that the variable name typed in free text field matches the name of the defined variable.

Error while saving a variable:

  • "The variable name ops_variable_name is invalid."
  • "The prefix "ops_" is reserved for built-in variables."
Variable name begins with ops_
  • If using one of the built-in Stonebranch variables, verify that the name is correct. See the Stonebranch Reserved Variables section of this wiki. The variable is probably misspelled and is not being recognized.
  • You have defined a variable that begins with ops_. You must rename your variable. Check the rules in the Variable Naming Conventions section of this wiki.
You don't receive emails after configuring an email action on a task or workflow. A variable name was used in the To: field on the email notification action.
  • Verify the variable used has been defined.
  • Verify the variable was formatted correctly. Example: ${DEPT_01_Var_*}.
  • Check for typos.
Environment-specific variables mysteriously change values and break tasks or workflows. The variable was unintentionally promoted.
  • Revert to a previous version with the correct values.
  • Remove the variable from bundles. Doing so will prevent the variable from being promoted and overriding values on the promoted environment.
Global variables are not available. Correct permissions are lacking.
  • Check if the variable is assigned to the correct business group.
  • Check your permissions in Stonebranch.




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