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(Stonebranch) Disaster Recovery

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Article Number : KB0017437
Published on : 2023-06-20
Last modified : 2023-06-20 20:34:26
Knowledge Base : IT Public Self Help


Details the Disaster Recovery (DR) Procedure for the Enterprise Orchestration (Stonebranch) Service. 

Executive Summary

This document defines procedures for restoring the Service of Enterprise Orchestration in the event of disaster(s) affecting the Service or it’s dependencies and underpinning services. Disaster Recovery will outline realistic expectations of downtime based on the current architecture.

Disaster Recovery Scope

This Service is provided by the vendor Stonebranch and is dependent on the underpinning Services of Oracle Exadata, UT-V, Networking, and Load Balancing Services Disaster Recovery Plan execution.

Disaster Recovery Scenarios

Scenario 1: Loss of Database functionality

In the event the Oracle Exadata Database experiences an outage or downtime, the Enterprise Orchestration Service will experience downtime until the Oracle Exadata Database functionality is restored. 

Service consumers will be alerted of the outage and upon Service restoration.

Scenario 2: Loss of VM

In the event the Service providing Virtual Machines experiences an outage or downtime, the Enterprise Orchestration Service will experience downtime until the Virtual Machine functionality is restored.

Loss of a single VM will not cause an outage, though the reduced redundancy will leave the service vulnerable to outages.

Service consumers will be alerted of the outage and upon Service restoration. 

Scenario 3: Loss of Network connectivity

In the event network connectivity is lost the Enterprise Orchestration Service will experience downtime until the Network connectivity functionality is restored. 

Service consumers will be alerted of the outage and upon Service restoration.

Disaster Recovery Overview

In order for the Enterprise Orchestration Service to resume the Enterprise Orchestration team needs to ensure following dependencies must be functional and available.

  • Oracle Exadata Database Hosting
  • UT-V Virtual Machines
  • Network Connectivity

Post-Disaster Status and Recovery

Normal Operations

Disaster recovery will rely on the Enterprise Orchestration team contacting and coordinating with the Oracle Exadata Database hosting team, the UT-V team, the Networking team and the Load Balancing teams. The recovery state would be expected to be fully functional with no data loss.

Scenario 1: Loss of Database functionality

Coordination will need to occur between the Enterprise Orchestration team and the Oracle Exadata Database team inform of the outage to resolve downtime. In the event of a loss of database functionality, the Service will not be functional until Database functionality is restored.  

Scenario 2: Loss of VM

Coordination will need to occur between the Enterprise Orchestration team and the UT-V team to inform of the outage to resolve downtime.. In the event of a loss of a VM, a new VM will need to be rebuilt by processes outlined by UT-V. 

Scenario 3: Loss of Network connectivity

Coordination will need to occur between the Enterprise Orchestration team and the Networking team to inform of the outage to resolve downtime. In the event of the loss of Network connectivity, the Service will not be functional until Network connectivity is restored.


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