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(Stonebranch) Agent Management

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Article Number : KB0017420
Published on : 2024-06-19
Last modified : 2024-06-19 16:02:00
Knowledge Base : IT Public Self Help

This article is no longer up to date. To install a Stonebranch agent, please refer to the instructions in KB0013855.


Agents are processes that live on a computer and communicate with the Stonebranch Controller to initiate different types of work. 

When Would I Want an Agent?

If you would like to schedule and execute tasks on a server, the Stonebranch agent is a way to do so without managing a custom process such as an rpc, message consumer, or any variation of listening processes. 

What Is Involved in Having an Agent?

You are responsible for keeping your agent running and up-to-date. The Stonebranch stewards can help you with any questions.


    • A Linux (recommended) or Windows Server host on which you run Stonebranch tasks
    • A minimum of 500MB of disk space
    • A TCP/IP network connection
    • Root Privileges
    • SysAdmins installing the agent should be experienced in supporting their particular platform

Install/Update Universal Agent for Linux

Option 1

  1. Clone the following project and follow the instructions:
  2. Email with your agent name, business service, and the Stonebranch environment it is in so they can configure it in the Stonebranch Interface.

Option 2

  1. Login to Artifactory and navigate to the eis1-stonebranch-public repository.
  2. Locate the appropriate installer for your host (32- or 64- bit) and copy to your server. Scp to your server and untar.
  3. Download the multi-agent script and run it as root.
  4. Check the install to see if it starts and connects:


    5. Email with your agent name, business service and the Stonebranch environment it is in so they can configure it in the Stonebranch Interface.

Install/Update Universal Agent for Windows 

  1. Login to Artifactory and navigate to the eis1-stonebranch-public repository,
  2. Locate the appropriate installer for your host (32- or 64-bit) and download it to your server. 
  3. Choose the Stonebranch environment that you wish to install to and download the appropriate script: DEVQUAL, or PROD. Double-click the script file to begin installation.
  4. Email with your agent name, business service, and the Stonebranch environment it is in so they can configure it in the Stonebranch Interface.

Changing Agent ID to Match Previously Installed Agent

Sometimes users reinstall agents or simply want a new agent to be used as the same agent as one already used in the interface being replaced. To do this, it is necessary to change the agent ID. An agent does not have an ID until the process is started. 

Basic steps are start and stop agent, find the file named qname, edit it to have the same number as the Agent Id as the agent you want to replace, then start the agent. Here's an example on a unix OS:

Agent Removal 

  1. Inform the Stonebranch Provider team you will be de-provisioning from the Service.
  2. Download and use the script to remove the agents.

Agent Monitoring

There are many options for monitoring; the following are two example processes: 

  • Email with the agent(s) names you want monitored and the email lists you would like notified if the agent becomes inactive; the support team can set it up for you with a task that runs a noop with your agent and uses watchdog to notify you. 
  • Set up your own monitoring on the server with your agent. You can use cron to run the script on a schedule and even include restart commands to try and auto restart. Check this example script (Note, access requires a service EID, which you can request from

Agent Logs

Each Agent contains a Universal Broker log (unv.log) and an Agent log (agent.log). The location varies based on install parameters and operating system. Search for the above file names.

Per docs:

The Universal Broker LOG_FILE_GENERATIONS configuration option lets you specify how many log files to save in the Universal Broker og directory. The default is five.

The Agent log rolls over at midnight (12:00 AM) or whenever the Agent is restarted. The Log File Retention Period in Days Universal Controller system property lets you specify the number of days that an Agent log file (in addition to a Controller log file) is retained before it is purged. The default is 5 days.

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