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Office 365 for Students

Number of views : 0
Article Number : KB0017409
Published on : 2024-08-01
Last modified : 2024-08-01 14:18:21
Knowledge Base : IT Public Self Help

Table of Contents

About Office 365

What Office 365 Services Are Included?

Claim Your Office 365 Account

What's the Difference Between UTmail and Exchange Online?

How Long Do I Have Access to Office 365 Services After Graduating?

How Do I Access my Office 365 Exchange Email?

Where Can I Find Support for an Office 365 Service?

Student Employees and University Business Records

Shared Mailboxes for Student Workers

About Office 365

The University of Texas at Austin has expanded Office 365 service eligibility to current UT Austin students.

You are able to access all available Office 365 services by logging into the Office 365 Portal with your UT EID.

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What Office 365 Services Are Included?

The services below are included, some of which require creating an Exchange mailbox in order to be licensed.

  • Exchange Online (Plan 2)*
  • Forms (Plan 3)
  • Office 365 ProPlus
  • Office Online for Education
  • Planner*
  • Power Apps
  • Power Automate
  • Power BI Pro
  • Project for Office
  • SharePoint Plan 2 for EDU
  • Visio
  • Sway
  • Teams*
  • To-Do (Plan 3)*
  • Whiteboard (Plan 3)
  • Yammer

*Requires creating an Exchange mailbox in order to be licensed for the service

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Claim Your Office 365 Account

  1. Log in to the Office 365 Management web application with your EID.
    • If you do not yet have a mailbox, you will be presented with the Create My Mailbox page.
    • If a mailbox has already been created for you, you will see details about the mailbox.
  2. Enter your desired display name in the Display name box.
  3. Enter your desired email address in the Email address field.
    • If you have entered an email address which is already in use or is invalid, you will be presented with an opportunity to select another address.
  4. Click Submit
  5. After a mailbox has been created, additional steps need to occur for full provisioning. That process may take up to one hour. You will receive an email at the official email address associated with your EID when provisioning has been completed.

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What's the Difference Between UTmail and Exchange Online?

As a current UT student, you have the option to choose your student email and service environment. You can choose one email service, and supporting services, or use both.

For a detailed description of Exchange Online and UTmail functional features, please visit: Office 365 and UTmail Features.

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How Long Do I Have Access to Office 365 Services After Graduating?

Office 365 Mailbox

Former students are automatically unlicensed for Office 365 services as soon as they are considered a former student by the EID system.

Former student affiliation is evaluated on the 12th class day of the next long semester after graduating.

OneDrive for Business

OneDrive for Business and all files stored therein will be inaccessible once your Office 365 license is removed.

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How Do I Access my Office 365 Exchange Email?

You are able to either use the Outlook Web Application to access your email in the web or set up a desktop mail client.

Outlook Web Application:

  1. Please visit: UT Outlook Web Portal
  2. Click "Outlook Web Application (OWA)" and authenticate using your UT EID and Duo

Desktop Email Client:

View client-specific instructions for setting up a desktop email client in our Getting Started knowledge articles.

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Where Can I Find Support for an Office 365 Service?

Office 365 @ UT is your one-stop shop for all things Office 365. Additionally, Microsoft has a wide range of product-specific support articles.

If you are unable to create a mailbox, don't think your mailbox is working properly, or do not have the correct licenses, please contact the UT Service Desk at or by calling 512-475-9400 with any problems, questions, or concerns.

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Student Employees and University Business Records

Student employees are subject to UT's email forwarding rules for employees. Forwarding business email accounts to a personal email account (including a personal UTmail account) is prohibited by university policy. More information can be found here.

Records and Information Management Services (RIMS) recommends that student employees do not use their Office 365 mailbox to conduct university business on behalf of a university department (conducting their own business with the university is of course fully expected). Supervisors should ensure that student workers have access to a shared mailbox for conducting such business.

Why Use Shared Mailboxes to Protect Student Privacy and University Records?

Office 365, as the primary university business email service, has heightened security requirements and safeguards to protect university data; these requirements and safeguards extend to student accounts. However, emails created by student employees during employment are subject to the same data and records retention requirements and policies applicable to staff and faculty. Additionally, when a student uses their personal account to conduct university business, their personal email may be exposed to open records requests.

Therefore, it is important to separate personal and business emails and accounts.

Refer to the documentation below about how to use shared mailboxes.

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Shared Mailboxes for Student Workers

Records and Information Management Services (RIMS) recommends that departments create or use an Office 365 shared mailbox for student workers to conduct business on behalf of departments at the University.

For easier mailbox management, departments may create generically named shared mailboxes that are used by multiple student workers during a semester, e.g., or, and/or reused by different student workers from semester to semester, e.g., Departments may determine that using an existing shared mailbox that can be used by both staff and student workers is the best solution, e.g.,

Benefits of Using Shared Mailboxes for Student Workers

  • The staff supervisor will own, manage, and monitor the mailbox.
    • The supervisor will grant the the student worker(s)s full access permissions to the mailbox so they may conduct departmental business.
    • Supervisors, or IT support, can use self-service web tools to add or remove student workers from the shared mailbox.
  • No business correspondence will be lost and university records are retained.
    • University business emails created by student workers on behalf of their department will be retained, accessible, and managed by the mailbox manager (supervisor) and other mailbox users.
    • Subsequent student workers will have access to past conversations to ensure continuity in business operations.
    • Personal student-worker emails will be in their personal account, protecting student privacy in the event of an open records request.

Resources and Additional Information

  • Supervisors or IT support staff can contact the Service Desk with any questions or concerns.
  • For information on creating or managing shared mailboxes, please visit
  • For questions about university records requirements, please reach out to Records and Information Management Services (RIMS) via email at

For questions about university records requirements, please Records Management Requirements please reach out to Records and Information Management Services (RIMS) via email at

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