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EID Tasks: Password Requirements for UT EIDs

Number of views : 0
Article Number : KB0017093
Published on : 2023-10-04
Last modified : 2023-10-04 16:38:10
Knowledge Base : IT Public Self Help

If you have a member or affiliate class EID, your password must meet stronger password requirements than a guest class EID. If you have recently become affiliated with the University, you may find that you need to change your password to meet the strong password requirements. Our EID password requirements are designed to make it easier for you to create a new password, including the use of passphrases. A passphrase is a longer password composed of a sentence or a combination of words. Passphrases are longer, which makes them harder to guess, but easier to remember because you can choose a sentence or phrase that is memorable to you.

As you create your password, please keep these considerations in mind:

  • Easy to remember and type accurately
  • Long enough to be hard to guess
  • Not a famous quote from a book, movie, holy books, etc.
  • Do not reuse between sites, applications, and other sources

The following password requirements apply to anyone with a member or affiliate class UT EID:

  • must be between 12 and 32 characters in length
  • must contain at least two of the following: letters, numbers, and special characters. Spaces are permitted as special characters. The other special characters that are permitted are ! @ # $ % & * ( ) - + = , < > : ; " ' .
  • cannot contain the UT EID
  • cannot contain the birthday in any form
  • cannot contain the first, middle, or last name
  • any words or character combinations found in a list of common passwords that are considered insecure. Words in this list are not allowed even when you use symbols to represent letters (for example, @ for a, ! for i, or zero for O)
  • may contain spaces. However, there may not be a space as the first or last character.

The following requirements apply to anyone with a guest class UT EID:

  • must be between 8 and 32 characters in length
  • must contain at least two of the following: letters, numbers, and special characters. Spaces are permitted as special characters. The other special characters that are permitted are ! @ # $ % & * ( ) - + = , < > : ; " ' .
  • cannot contain the UT EID
  • cannot contain the first, middle or last name.
  • cannot contain the birthday in any form.
  • may contain spaces. However, there may not be a space as the first or last character.


The password requirement for a UT EID is determined by the EID class and entitlements, as shown in the table below.


EID Attributes

Medium Password

Strong Password

Guest class



Affiliate class



Member class



Entitlement - Mainframe Logon ID (DPU)



Entitlement - Systems Staff UNIX Admin (UXA)



Entitlement - EID steward (EID)



Entitlement - Box user (BOX)



Entitlement - Authorized to use Cayuse 424 (RMC)



Additionally, passwords are case sensitive. This means that if your new password contains lower-case and/or upper-case characters you must enter it the same way every time you use it.

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