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EID Tasks: Changing Your Password

Number of views : 0
Article Number : KB0014962
Published on : 2024-06-17
Last modified : 2024-06-17 15:01:52
Knowledge Base : IT Public Self Help

Change Your Password

Though you are not required to do so, regularly changing your UT EID password is considered good practice.

To change your UT EID password, use the Change My Password feature in the UT EID Self-Service Tools.

If you experience trouble or difficulty changing your password, please contact the UT Service Desk for assistance.

When you change your EID password you may experience a short delay before you are able to sign on to services which authenticate using your EID. During this time, some systems may be unavailable as your new password is communicated to and recognized by each system. Please take this into account and select a time for your password change which will minimize the impact to your work.


Password Change Guide


Under typical conditions, your password change will be recognize by various UT applications and systems in just a few seconds.

However, during periods of high processing, it may take up to five minutes for all applications and systems to recognize your new password.

If it has been 30 or mote minutes and various applications and systems have not yet recognized your new password, please reach out to the UT Service Desk for assistance.



Before picking a new EID password you may review the current EID password rules.



Applications and Programs

Some applications and programs store your password for your convenience and may need to be configured to use your new password.

For example, many email programs are designed to prompt you for your new password when it discovers that your password has changed.

If you are not prompted for your new password, you may need to sign out of the application or program and then sign on using your new password.

In some extreme circumstances, you may need to remove and re-add your account.

UT Services

A change to your UT EID password will be automatically recognized by University services which use UT EID authentication (e.g., Canvas, Microsoft 365, MyUT, UT Box, UT Direct, UT VPN, Workday, etc.)

utexas Wi-Fi Network 

Devices that have stored Wi-Fi credentials may need to be updated after the password change. An easy way to force an update is to forget the network, allowing you to set it up with fresh credentials.

Review the links below on how to forget networks on common devices:

University-Owned Machines

We recommend that you save all of your work, close all programs, log out of your machine, and log back in with the newly updated password to allow the your machine to recognize the new password. As mentioned above, in order to ensure a seamless experience, it is recommended that you are plugged into the campus wired network when logging in with your new password.

If you change your password from home, your computer may not be able to sync with the new password until it is successfully connected to a UT network (web sites will still function properly).

To force this update:

  1. Turn on your computer (if it is not already on).

  2. Log in with your old EID password.

  3. Connect to the UT VPN (if you are not already connected to the UT network).

  4. Lock Windows by holding the Windows key on your keyboard and pressing the letter L.

  5. Unlock Windows using your new EID password.

  6. Restart your computer and log in with your new EID password.

If you have multiple devices (e.g., smart phone, iPad etc.), you may need to perform the above steps on each device.

macOS Users: You may find that when you log into your machine for the first time after the sync that macOS will try to unlock the Keychain using the new password and find that the login password and the Keychain password no longer match. You will then be prompted to update your Keychain password by entering the old password and the system will update the Keychain to use the new password and then finish logging you in.



If you require assistance with changing your UT EID password, please contact the UT Service Desk.

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