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"Customer Responded" Visual Cue for Open Tickets

Number of views : 1
Article Number : KB0014909
Published on : 2021-05-04
Last modified : 2021-05-04 14:59:23
Knowledge Base : ServiceNow - Public Self Help

ServiceNow does not have a "Customer Responded" status for tickets. Instead, there is a visual cue to alert you to these updates.

When someone other than the “assigned to” or the system updates an incident, task, or request item, the fulfiller will now see a blue dot in the “Short Description” field.  The dot will appear on the incident table, task table, and the item table.  It also appears on the fulfiller homepage.

Or, if you can change the color of the entire field by updating your settings. Example:

To change your settings:

Click the gear in the upper left of the table and uncheck Modern Cell Coloring.

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