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Creating a Sandbox Site

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Article Number : KB0014885
Published on : 2024-05-31
Last modified : 2024-05-31 16:39:00
Knowledge Base : IT Public Self Help

Before making a sandbox site you must have a developer account. Request Developer Access

To create a new sandbox site:

  • Log in to your Pantheon dashboard using the single sign-on method with your email -
  • Click the "Create Site" button on your user dashboard
  • Supply a site name and click "Continue"
    • The site name will be used in the Pantheon "platform domain" for your DEV, TEST, and LIVE environments (e.g. "My Awesome Site" becomes "").
    • Once a sandbox site is promoted to a paid site plan,  a custom domain can be connected to the Live environment (
    • We recommend that you select a consistent prefix for your department/organization and prefix all of your site names accordingly (e.g., “laits,” “libraries”)
  • Next, you will be given options to select an organizational distribution, site type, or site distribution on which to base your new site:
    • Custom Distributions: UT Drupal Kit and WordPress for Texas are the ITS-supported distributions which include UT-branded themes and the necessary modules to enable SAML authentication with Enterprise Authentication.
    • Site Types: developers not wishing to use an organizational distribution can select "vanilla" Drupal or WordPress, with no customizations or UT-specific code.

If you need university-approved branding, you should always use one of the two available custom distributions -- UT Drupal Kit or WordPress for Texas.

EID authentication for content editors in WordPress and Drupal 7 is only available with the WordPress for Texas custom distribution. EID authentication for content editors in Drupal 9 or 10 can be implemented with any version of Drupal.

The decision of which distribution to use for your new site is FINAL. You cannot change the distribution for a site after the fact, but would have to create a new site from scratch.

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