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How to remove a site from the Pantheon Web Hosting service

Number of views : 0
Article Number : KB0014853
Published on : 2024-02-23
Last modified : 2024-02-23 17:58:14
Knowledge Base : IT Public Self Help

PLEASE NOTE: Once a site dashboard has been deleted from Pantheon, ITS staff will not have access to any previous backups that were stored on Pantheon's servers. Do not delete a site dashboard unless you have made and downloaded a backup, or are certain that you do not need the site content in the future.

Live/Paid Sites

Existing agreements for live sites with a paid agreement may be canceled with 30 days written notice. Partial month charges will not be prorated, and reimbursements must be negotiated with ITS.

To cancel, complete the Pantheon Site Retirement request form, which will create a new support ticket in ServiceNow.

ITS staff will be responsible for removing the paid hosting plan, which will automatically remove any custom domains from the site and disable automatic backups. ITS staff will also remove any existing Enterprise Authentication integration.

Site owners are responsible for updating or deleting any DNS records that point to Pantheon. See Preventing domain hijacks on Pantheon for additional information.

After the paid site plan is removed, the site will be left in a sandbox status and will remain accessible via the Pantheon platform domains. Please follow the steps listed below under "Sandbox Sites" if you wish to permanently delete the site dashboard.

If no code changes are pushed to site for 90 days after plan removal, the site will be "frozen" and no longer available until a developer with access to the site dashboard unfreezes it. See Pantheon's documentation for more information about frozen sites.

Sandbox Sites

To permanently delete a sandbox site:

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