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Connecting to ResNet: Network Router / Multiple Devices

Number of views : 349
Article Number : KB0014621
Published on : 2022-08-23
Last modified : 2022-08-23 16:03:17
Knowledge Base : IT Public Self Help

WARNING: use of network routers are strictly prohibited on campus by faculty and staff, please contact your department's TSC to request additional network ports. Students living in the residence halls are allowed to use SOHO network routers due to limited number of ports in each room.

The following instructions will allow dorm and apartment residents to connect a network router to the general networks. You need a network router, a computer and two Ethernet cables to complete this process.

  1. Use an Ethernet cable to connect the Internet/WAN port on the router to the Ethernet port on the wall
  2. Use another Ethernet cable to connect a computer to a LAN port on the router
  3. Open a web browser on the computer and type “” in the address bar and hit Enter. You will be automatically redirected to the UTLogin page. Note: your browser may display a security warning or a certificate error as the result of web redirect, please ignore the warning and proceed to the redirected site (
  4. Follow instructions to register your network router after logging in. You only need to register the router itself, and do not need to register devices that are connected to the router.

  If the SOHO network router supports Wi-Fi, ITS Network will require the end-user to disable Wi-Fi functions if the device is interfering with 'utexas' Wi-Fi services.

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