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Request Access to Service

Number of views : 2
Article Number : KB0013858
Published on : 2023-01-09
Last modified : 2023-01-09 17:37:05
Knowledge Base : IT Public Self Help

This page describes how to request access to begin using Stonebranch. This includes AD group setup, Business Service Setup, and Universal Controller (UAC) permissions. 



  • The need to automate a Business Process

  • Developed Process Workflows


Request Access

Active Directory (AD) Group Setup

The Stonebranch Product uses nested permissions which could cause a potential access issues. To prevent any issues, the Service Provider team will create, update, and decommission the AD groups for consumers. 

(1.) To request an AD group be setup, either use the request button on the Enterprise Orchestration ServiceNow landing page or submit a request to with the following information:

  • Four letter University Department Code
  • List of users that require access
  • Indicate two users that will be the "promoters" for the team so the appropriate permissions are created for them. 

(2.) The provider team will respond via the ticket to indicate the AD group has been setup and the request has been fulfilled. 

To change the members of the AD or to decommission the AD group from the Service submit a request to 

Once the Active Directory group is setup, the Business Service and Universal Controller (UAC) permissions can be created. 


Business Service Setup

A Business Service in Stonebranch is a named collection of Objects and Resources (Tasks, Workflows, Agents, Credentials, etc.) with identical or related authorization requirements. Each consumer will have one or more Business Service created to use and manage Objects depending on authorization needs.

(1.) Submit a request to with the following information: 

  • Four letter University Department Code
  • List of users that require access 

(2.) The Provider team will respond via the ticket to indicate the Business Service has been setup and UAC access has been granted. 


Universal Controller (UAC) Setup

The Stonebranch Universal Automation Controller (UAC) provides the current implementation of the Enterprise Orchestration Service. Administrators and users interact with it through a web console to define workflows. Access must be granted to the UAC in order for the agent to work.

Submit one ticket requesting a Business Service be setup and the UAC permissions will also be assigned. There is no need to open a separate ticket to request UAC permissions.


The login locations for the UAC are: 

All development is done in the DEV environment. Changes should not be made in the Quality Assurance (QA) or Production (ITS) environments.


Agent Installation

Once the AD group has been created, Business Service created, and UAC permissions assigned proceed to install the appropriate agent for the system. 



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