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Install Universal Agent for Windows (Script)

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Article Number : KB0013857
Published on : 2023-01-09
Last modified : 2023-01-09 17:37:20
Knowledge Base : IT Public Self Help

Details of how to install the Universal Agent for Windows via a script and have it added to a Business Service.



  • A Windows Server host on which you will run Stonebranch tasks
  • A minimum of 500MB of disk space
  • A TCP/IP network connection
  • A valid Active Directory Group setup during Request for Access
  • A Business Service setup during Request for Access
  • SysAdmins installing the agent should be experienced in supporting their particular platform



(1.) Navigate to the site-licensed share on Austin Disk.


(2.) Choose the Stonebranch Environment that you wish to install to: DEV, QUAL, or PROD.  Double click the script file to begin installation.



(3.) Confirm that the file you wish to run is in fact being run.

The script will copy the required files locally...

And will request the action be elevated. 

(4.) Provide credentials or consent when prompted to elevate the action by User Account Control.

Monitor the installation.


(5.) Confirm that the agent installed by inspecting the Programs and Features Control Panel Applet.


Have the Agent added to your Business Service

Once installed, a Universal Agent can only be added to a Business Service by a Service Provider in the Stonebranch Console. To have this done, submit a request to with the following information:

  • The department code assigned to your Business Service
  • Name of host(s) where agents are installed
  • The environment(s) for the agent(s).


This will generate a ticket in the Service Management tool.

Once the Service Provider team has completed this task, they will respond via the ticket.


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