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SAS- Licensing

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Article Number : KB0013526
Published on : 2023-08-16
Last modified : 2023-08-16 18:51:21
Knowledge Base : IT Public Self Help

SAS Software licenses are leased on a fiscal-year basis. License fees grant you the right to use (RTU) the software on one computer for the fiscal year that runs from September 1 through August 31 of the following calendar year. License fees are not prorated. You must purchase a license for each computer on which the software will be installed.


Before You Buy

The Texas Government Code and the Texas Administrative Code ("TAC") require the University to procure software applications that comply with the accessibility requirements set forth in Title 1, Chapters 206 and 213 of the TAC. However, UT has not verified whether the following SAS software applications being distributed are in compliance with such accessibility requirements:

  • SAS/ACCESS Interfact to Teradata Software
  • SAS/ACCESS Interface to DBS Software
  • SAS/ACCESS Interface to ODBC Software
  • SAS/ACCESS Interface to OLE DB Software
  • SAS/ACCESS Interface to ORACLE Software
  • SAS/ACCESS Interface to PC Files Software
  • SAS/ACCESS Interface to SYBASE Software
  • SAS/ACCESS Interface to R/3 Software
  • SAS AF
  • SAS Enterprise Reporter
  • SAS Spectraview
  • SAS App Dev Studio
  • SAS Enterprise Miner Server
  • SAS OLAP Server
  • SAS High Performance Forecasting for Windows XP
  • SAS Text Miner

Therefore, before purchasing the SAS software referenced in the above list, you must ensure that such an SAS software application is in compliance with the accessibility requirements set forth in Title 1, Chapters 206 and 213 of the TAC. Such accessibility requirements are further discussed in UT System Policy UTS 150, "Access by Persons with Disabilities to Electronic and Information Resources Procured by The University of Texas System Administration and The University of Texas System Institutions." If you have any questions, please contact either your institution's Accessibility Coordinator or Software Distribution and Sales.


SAS License Types

  • Teaching & Research License: As defined by SAS, this is software used for purposes of classroom instruction, academic (non-commercial) research, and coursework primarily related to a customer's post-secondary degree requirements, including the formulation of theses and dissertations. It may be used by students, faculty, and staff supporting these uses; in the case of academic research, it may be used by faculty, staff, and students on hardware that is owned or leased by a University of Texas School (university) and is located on the premises of the university.
  • Administrative Purposes License: As defined by SAS, this is software used for purposes directly related to a customer's operations as a post-secondary degree granting institution. This includes institutional research and any such use related to reporting about the University to the University. Such software may be used by customer's administrative employees (including faculty performing administrative duties) for such administrative purposes.


SAS Licensing for Labs

SAS does NOT have a concurrent licensing method for university desktop/laptop computers. You cannot buy 20 PC licenses and deploy them concurrently into a student lab of 100 computers and control the concurrent access via key server (or related) technology. If your labs or departments have been using this approach, following are your alternatives.

  • License ALL desktop/laptop computers that may run SAS during the year.
  • License the server version of SAS and deploy it in a terminal services environment; in this case your license cost is determined by the number of physical processors in your server; note: multi-core processors are treated as one unit.
  • License the server version of SAS and deploy it in a virtual server environment on the server; in this case your license cost is determined by the number of physical processors in your server; note: multi-core processors are treated as one unit.
  • Use Softricity Softgrid technology from Microsoft for virtual application serving (or a similar technology) where the product is never installed on the desktop/laptop. If deployed in thin client mode (e.g., use from a web browser) you will license by the number of processors in the server. If deployed in non-thin client mode, license by the maximum virtual processor count allowed.
  • Use Enterprise Guide and Integration Technologies that are included in the product bundle to network lab PCs to a server in thin client mode. SAS technical support could provide assistance with this configuration.

UT Austin users have the ability to also access SAS on the Stat Apps Server hosted by the Division of Statistics and Data Sciences. 


Determining How to License Client-Server Environments (Windows)

The defining criteria for determining what should be licensed is where the actual software will be executed. The rule is, if any CPU is running SAS, it must be licensed.

Consider these three situations when determining what to license.

  1. If you have a server with clients and the clients will be running SAS but not the server, then only the clients need be licensed. An individual license should to be purchased for each client.
  2. If you have a server with clients and the clients will be running SAS and you also allow logins to the server to run SAS, then both the clients and the server must be licensed. Individual licenses as well as an SAS for Windows Server license should be purchased.
  3. If you have a server with clients but you only allow the server to run SAS (i.e., the software is loaded so as not to be accessible directly by a client), then only the server needs to be licensed. An SAS for Windows Server license should be purchased and used in conjunction with Citrix.


Work-at-Home Use

Under the SAS license agreement, work-at-home use is available to faculty and staff who have the SAS software installed on their computer at work. Each employee can use the SAS software at home (as an extension of the work license) provided that the software is not run concurrently on both machines, and use at home cannot exceed 20% of the overall utilization of the product.


Updates and Upgrades

Through TXShop, currently licensed users can upgrade for free once a new version is available to SDS. A new license does not need to be purchased in order to upgrade.

SDS only distributes the latest releases of software and will send announcements to currently licensed users when a new version is available.




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