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UT Print Refunds

Number of views : 0
Article Number : KB0012290
Published on : 2024-04-01
Last modified : 2024-04-01 15:47:54
Knowledge Base : IT Public Self Help

If you feel that your print job was printed in an unacceptable condition, please talk to a proctor in the lab where you submitted the print job. Proctors may be able to assist you so that a formal refund request is not required.


Send email to with the following information:


  • Number of Pages
  • Single/Double Sided:                   
  • Color or Black & White
  • Page Size
  • Date of the issue
  • Location of the issue
  • Your UT EID
  • Amount of expected refund


Refunds are only provided for printer malfunctions such as:

  • Light or incomplete (blotchy) printing
  • Streaks on the pages


You must pay for printing even if:

  • You accidentally printed multiple copies or more pages than you wanted.
  • You selected binary rather than ASCII print mode.
  • You accidentally printed monochrome copies on a more expensive color printer.
  • You just printed a draft copy of your work.
  • Someone else printed using your account. (You are responsible for all charges to your account.)


Note: Print refund requests must be submitted within 5 days of the printer malfunction. If you owe the University of Texas at Austin any fees, any refund that is approved for you will be applied to those charges instead of being refunded to you.


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