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Updating Your Official University Email Address

Number of views : 0
Article Number : KB0012276
Published on : 2024-06-26
Last modified : 2024-06-26 14:36:58
Knowledge Base : IT Public Self Help

Since email is an official method of receiving university and course communications, it is important that your email address on file with the university is kept up-to-date.

Students can set their Microsoft email account ( as their official university email address:

  1. Students go to Update of Addresses and Email (EID required) in UT Direct.
  2. Locate the E-mail Address field at the bottom of the form, and type in your email address (e.g.
  3. Click Save Changes.


Employees can update their email address in Workday.

  1. Employees log in to Workday and click Personal Information
  2. Under Change, click Contact Information
  3. Click Edit at the top and scroll down to Primary Email under Work Contact Information (not Home Contact Information)
  4. Click Edit (pencil icon), enter your preferred email, and click Save (checkmark icon)
  5. Click Submit at the bottom of the page

Your updated email address will start receiving university email communications within one or two business days.




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