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Getting Started

Number of views : 0
Article Number : KB0012232
Published on : 2021-07-21
Last modified : 2021-07-21 17:39:15
Knowledge Base : IT Public Self Help

UT Web is a Linux-based shared Web hosting environment for The University of Texas at Austin that will replace the current Web Central service. ITS manages the UT Web publishing space and related tools and utilities to support Web publishers on campus.

Site Creation Request

Requests submitted via the Site Creation Request form will be granted on a first-come, first-served basis. You must be an active university faculty or staff member to request UT Web hosting space. If you are a student looking to host on UT Web, then you will need to be sponsored by a faculty or staff member. Alternatively, you can also use the University Blog Service (UBS), without needing faculty/staff sponsorship.

Technical Documentation

The UT Web Developers Wiki provides detailed technical documentation for developers.

Access to the UT Web Developers Wiki is based on the UT Web entitlement (UTW) and is given to developers when their UT Web developer accounts are made.

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