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Configuring Message Headers and Footers

Number of views : 0
Article Number : KB0012203
Published on : 2023-05-31
Last modified : 2023-05-31 21:46:14
Knowledge Base : IT Public Self Help

You can change the subject line and footer of every message from your mailing list to include text pertaining to your audience or list topic.


To configure the subject line of every email sent from your list:

  1. Log on to UT Lists and select your list from the My Lists option.

  2. Select the Admin link for your list, then hover over Edit List Config.
  3. Select the Sending/receiving setup option. 
  4. Modify the Subject tagging field as desired. For example, you could add a [Listname] prefix to every message.
  5. Click the Update button to save your changes.


To configure the footer of every email sent from your list:

  1. Select the Admin link for your list, then hover over Edit List Config.
  2. Select the Message templates option.
  3. Find the line that says Message footer, then select the Edit button.

  4. Enter the text you want to appear in the footer of the messages from your mailing list, then click the Save button.


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