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Configuring and Reviewing List Administration Settings

Number of views : 0
Article Number : KB0012202
Published on : 2023-05-31
Last modified : 2023-05-31 21:45:44
Knowledge Base : IT Public Self Help

Once you have created a new list, you may want to customize the list using the configuration settings.


  1. Log on to UT Lists and select your list from the My Lists option.

  2. Select the Admin link.

  3. Hover over the Edit List Config option. Select each link to determine how your list works.

    • List definition - Defines the structure of the list, including the list title, who sees it, who owns it and moderates it, what topic the list appears under, and what language the list is shown in.
    • Sending/receiving setup - Defines who can send messages, list digest options, and subscription options.
    • Privileges - Defines who can view list information, who can subscribe and unsubscribe, and who can invite new list members.
    • Archives - Defines who is allowed to access text and Web archives.
    • Bounces - Managing emails that bounce.
    • Data sources setup - There are no editable options in this category.
    • DKIM - Options for DMARC workaround.
    • List description/homepage - Allows you to edit your lists' homepage and description
    • Message templates - Make changes to things such as your lists' welcome message for new subscribers.
    • Miscellaneous - Additional options.


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