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Delete a Wiki Space

Number of views : 0
Article Number : KB0012161
Published on : 2024-02-16
Last modified : 2024-02-16 17:57:19
Knowledge Base : IT Public Self Help

Follow the instructions from Atlassian to delete or remove a space for which you are the Space Administrator. To delete a wiki space you must be a Space Administrator of that space.

Note: Deleting a space is permanent. Once you have deleted the space, there is no way to restore it unless you have made a backup.

Wiki Administrators will periodically search for wiki spaces owned by non-active members of the university community and delete spaces according to the following criteria:

  • Personal wiki spaces (based on UT EID) will remain active for six months after departure from the university. This provides users time to establish a new wiki, notify collaborators, and export content to a new wiki.
  • Wiki spaces created for departments, teams, projects, or workgroups will be subject to deletion after one year of inactivity.
  • Personal wiki spaces created by users who are not current university faculty, students, or staff at the time of the creation will be removed immediately upon discovery.
  • Each department, team, project, or workgroup wiki space must have one Space Administrator who is an active faculty or staff member of the university. If not, the Wiki Administrator will inform the department that the wiki space may be removed if a new Space Administrator is not identified.






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