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When will I receive my SPSS license code?

Number of views : 1
Article Number : KB0011857
Published on : 2020-03-25
Last modified : 2020-03-25 19:20:22
Knowledge Base : IT Public Self Help

For SPSS Statistics licenses purchased through the UT Austin Consortium Agreement with IBM Inc., the authorization codes are sent by email to the licensee/purchaser after the TXShop order has been processed. 

Each fall, SPSS license codes expire on August 31st, however the software will continue to function during a 30/60 day grace period. ITS SDS will send a unique authorization code for each license purchased, to all current license holders. Typically this occurs during the last week in September. If you have renewed your license and have not yet received your license code by September 30th, please send email to ITS SDS (




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