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Why do students have to provide SDS with proof of enrollment?

Number of views : 0
Article Number : KB0011845
Published on : 2023-08-23
Last modified : 2023-08-23 14:27:26
Knowledge Base : IT Public Self Help

Many of the software licensing agreements in place between the University and software vendors have provisions that are specific to our students. Before we can sell products to students, we must be able to verify that they are currently enrolled in matriculating coursework. Student software orders will not be processed until we have verified enrollment status.


Students at The University of Texas at Austin

Students at UT Austin may be required to provide their UT EID and/or their student ID card or other photo ID for identification purposes.


Students at other UT System schools

Because the student records systems at UT System schools are not available to staff at the UT Austin campus, students must provide us with proof of enrollment.

  • This proof must show that you are enrolled in classes for the current semester and have paid at least some of your tuition and fees. An example of this would be your University fee receipt.

  • The document must be either an official document mailed to you by the University or a printout of a Web page. Copying the text of a Web page into a Word or other text document is not sufficient.

  • The document may be either a physical, paper copy or a scanned copy sent as an e-mail attachment.

If you have been provided with an Order Number or an Agreement Number, please reference this number when sending us your proof of enrollment. Electronic or scanned documents can be sent as an e-mail attachment to


Students outside of the UT System

Because the UT System pursues licensing agreements using student fees and state funds, none of our programs are made available to students outside of the UT System. Students at other schools should check with their campus Information Technology groups to see if similar product offerings are available to them.




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