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Office 365 Technical Support

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Article Number : KB0011628
Published on : 2024-03-06
Last modified : 2024-03-06 17:30:46
Knowledge Base : IT Public Self Help

Syncing Large Mailboxes

When you first add your Office 365 mailbox to your desktop client, it may take some time to download all of your mail and to sync your contacts and calendars. During this process, your desktop client may appear unresponsive. Should this occur, we recommend using the Outlook Web App at until the process is complete.


Advanced Threat Protection (ATP) Safelinks

ATP Safelinks reviews links (URLs) in email messages and Office documents to protect our organization from malware and phishing attempts. If a URL is identified as suspicious or malicious, you might be blocked from opening the URL when you click it in an email or Office document. Instead of going directly to the site, you might see a warning page instead.

Example Warning:


For a full list of warnings, read more here. 


Outlook (Windows)

Repeating Authenticating Prompts

This error could be indicative of a few different issues. To troubleshoot this issue, start with the following:

  • First, check to make sure your email address and password are entered in this box. This process will not work when using EID or AUSTIN\EID.
  • Second, make sure you are able to log into Outlook Web App. OWA is located at If you can view your email here, that means that the move has completed and the issue is Outlook specific. If OWA does not start work properly, please wait and try again in 30 minutes. It is possible the mailbox is still in transit.
  • If neither step works, you may need to re-create the Outlook profile. Please see the Optional: Recreating your Outlook Profile page for details.


Bounce Backs from Common Contacts

This is usually caused by the caching feature in Outlook. There are some addresses that can get stuck in the Outlook recent addresses that are invalid now that the mailbox has moved to Office 365. There are two options to resolve this:

  1. Delete the problematic entry and re-try using the address listed in the address book
  2. Remove all Outlook recent/cached addresses

For details on this process, review the Outlook Address Caching Issues document.


Unable to See Free/Busy Information

This is usually caused by the caching feature in Outlook. There are some addresses that can get stuck in the Outlook recent addresses that are invalid now that the mailbox has moved to Office 365. There are two options to resolve this:

  1. Delete the problematic entry and re-try using the address listed in the address book
  2. Remove all Outlook recent/cached addresses

For details on this process, review the Outlook Address Caching Issues document.


Shared Calendars No Longer Update

Remove and re-add the calendar from your Outlook.


"Administrator has made changes that require restart"

The most common reason for this is that multiple mailboxes are tied to your account either through the Outlook profile or Full Access permissions. Outlook needs to re-discover settings for each one of these accounts individually. This means you will see disconnect notices and restart messages for each account moved. This behavior is necessary and cannot be changed.


Unable to Encrypt Messages Using SMIME

The certificates used to encrypt email message have traditionally been centrally stored within the local directory. The Office 365 directory does not support these certificates, so they must be stored locally.


Performance Issues

Recreate your Outlook profile using the following instructions on Recreating your Outlook Profile page.



Not Receiving Email on Mobile Device

Reconfigure your email account on your mobile device using the following instructions:


Apple Mail

"Cannot send message using the server (Exhange)" Error Message in Apple Mail

Remove the Exchange account from Apple Mail and re-add the account. Apple Mail may need to be closed and re-opened in order for all settings to fully take effect. This may be necessary if the email gets stuck in the Outbox or new email is not being received.


Missing Signature

When creating a new account in Apple Mail, your signature will need to be reapplied. It can be copied and pasted from a previously sent item.


Privacy and Security

Privacy Policy

Please see the Office 365 Trust Center for detailed information about privacy and security practices.




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