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Unblocking Your Email Server

Number of views : 0
Article Number : KB0011408
Published on : 2024-02-27
Last modified : 2024-02-27 15:40:13
Knowledge Base : IT Public Self Help

When sending mail to a University email address from an external email service, you may find that delivery fails and the message is returned to you. This may be due to the University's inbound spam defenses. Our inbound mail servers use Cisco's Talos reputation service (formerly the IronPort SenderBase Reputation Service) to determine how to treat incoming SMTP connections. For each IP address it knows about, the Talos reputation service assigns a score ranging from -10.0 to +10.0. Negative scores are bad, and positive scores are good. Our system then classifies each incoming SMTP connection based on the score for its IP address and applies appropriate policies.

Note: We do not publicly document the exact ranges of reputation scores used to classify connections because those scores are subject to change.

Your returned message may include one of the following error messages. Click or tap the relevant one for details:

Due to the dynamic and evolving nature of spam, the University's spam filters are constantly adapting and changing. The above list represents the most common reasons that inbound messages are blocked as spam; however, other factors are considered and may be taken into account as trends change. The University may expand this filtering if needed.

If you are sending mail from a University Microsoft 365 account and your message is flagged as spam by the University's spam filters, then please see Sent Email With [UTEXAS: SUSPECTED SPAM] in Subject Line instead.

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