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Group Email Usage Guide

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Article Number : KB0011328
Published on : 2024-01-03
Last modified : 2024-01-03 18:06:20
Knowledge Base : IT Public Self Help

The University Group Email service provides email editing and review functionality along with dynamically updated audience data, for use in sending university-sanctioned messages to targeted groups within the university community. 

Users considering sending a message via the Group Email service should be able to answer "yes" to the following questions: 

  • Does the message further the business of the university? 
  • Does the email content impact a significant percentage of the recipients of the list? 
  • Are message recipients likely to be interested in the subject or need to know the subject information? 

Group Email usage guidance is provided by University Communications, within the Office of the President. 


General Messages to Students and Employees (“All” Lists) 

Emails targeted to “all employees “or “all students” are limited to official university business, defined as: 

  • Public Health and Safety Communication (faculty, staff and students) 
  • Presidential and University Leadership Messages, including Internal Communication (faculty, staff and students) 
  • Official HR Information (faculty and staff) 
  • Official Infrastructure Information: Parking, LogisticsConstruction Updates (faculty, staff, students) 
  • Official Student Information, including Registration Information, Deadlines, etc. (students)  
  • Official Faculty emails from the Provost Office (faculty) 

All other communications to university employees and students should be sent to customized lists that are based on recipient subscription or applicability criteria.  Customized lists are allowed only when the use of a list or set of lists does not equate to all employees or all students and when messages include a prominent unsubscribe feature.  


After Hours Approvals 

It is preferable that Group Email messages requiring an approval be submitted for review during work hours.  However, situations arise in which messages require urgent review after hours.  For the general employee and student subaccounts (listed below), Authors must notify any or all of the Managers below in advance of the need for an urgent message approval.  Notification should be provided either by phone call or text message AND by email.  Authors will need to give an approximate time that the approval request will need attention.  The best practice is to notify Managers before starting to write the email.  This puts the Managers on notice to look for the request for approval in the system. 


For the general employee and student subaccounts, please contact the following Managers: 

  • All Students - Official – Carolyn Connerat, Beth Waldman, Steve Preiss, and Joey Williams 
  • Faculty - Official – Joey Williams  
  • HR Employees - Official – Cindy Posey (This is not necessary for pre-authorized FAS senders who have been appropriately trained.) 
  • Leadership - Official – Cindy Posey 

Authors do not have access to manager identities in subaccounts in Emma; please feel free to request at and please be sure to specify the subaccount(s).


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